Jayaraman B, Evans D. Evaluating Differentially Private Machine Learning in Practice[C]//28th USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security 19). Santa Clara, CA: USENIX Association. 2019.
本文发现“可以保证的隐私损失的上界(即使是高级机制)”和“可以被inference attack衡量的有效的隐私损失”存在一个巨大的鸿沟。现有的DPML方法很少为复杂的学习任务提供可接受的utility-privacy trade-offs。
[1] 中的$\varepsilon$达到了百万级,对于隐私保护毫无意义。
对于给定的隐私预算,提高utility的一种途径是tighten the composition of DP。[2,3,4]通过提供tighter analysis of the privacy budget under composition,在添加同样噪声量的情况下,可以达到更好的privacy(更小的$\varepsilon$),因此可以在给定$\varepsilon$的情况下获得更好的utility。但是在adversarial场景下,泄漏了多少privacy呢?因此本文评估了不同DP变体不同隐私预算下的隐私泄露情况,包括在membership inference attacks下会有多少条个体训练数据被泄露。
Related work
[5,6]对现有的DP实现进行了correctness的评估。[7]提供了effectiveness of DP against attacks,但是没有明确回答$\varepsilon$应该用多少,也没有提供privacy leakage的评估。[8]考虑了放松DP notion的方式来取得更好的utility,但是也没有评估leakage。[9]是最接近本文的,评估了DP implementations against membership inference attacks,但是也没有评估不同DP变体的privacy leakage。[10]reported on extensive hypothesis testing differentially private machine learning using the Neyman-Pearson criterion, 给出了基于敌手先验知识的privacy budget设置的指导。
DP for Machine Learning
Variants of DP
In essence, this relaxation considers the linear composition of expected privacy loss of mechanisms which can be converted to a cumulative privacy budget $\varepsilon$ with high probability bound.
Dwork把这个定义为advanced composition theorem,并且证明它可以用于任何DP机制。
另外三种常用的DP变体包括提供改进组合性质的Concentrated DP[12], Zero Concentrated DP[2], Renyi DP[4]。
虽然三种变体都利用了“the privacy loss random variable is strictly centered around an expected privacy loss”这一事实来获取tighter analysis of cumulative privacy loss,对于给定的隐私预算可以减少所需要的噪声量,从而提高utility。但是噪声减少给privacy leakage带来了什么样的实际影响呢?
变体是用了不同的技术来分析机制的组合性,也就是说它们本身是不影响添加的噪声量的。它们做的是enable a tighter analysis of the guaranteed privacy。这意味着对于固定的隐私预算,放松了的定义可以通过添加比looser analyses所需要更少的噪声来满足,因此 result in less privacy for the same $\varepsilon$ level。
[12]指出DP机制的privacy loss服从sub-Gaussian分布。也就是说,privacy loss被严格分布在privacy loss的期望(均值)周围,the spread通过sub-Gaussian分布的方差来控制。多个DP机制的组合可以通过组合单个sub-Gaussian分布的均值和方差来实现。这可以被转化为类似于advanced composition theorem的privacy budget累积,从而减少每个机制需要的噪声量。这就是CDP:
Moments Accountant. MA追踪组合过程中privacy loss的矩的bound,可以看作是RDP的一个实例。
DP Methods for ML
三种典型的privacy机制,本文关注gradient perturbation,每次迭代需要noise in the scale of $\frac{2}{n\varepsilon}$。
深度学习中目标函数是非凸的,因此不能直接用output and objective perturbation。这时可以用凸的多项函数来代替非凸函数[13,14],然后采用objective perturbation。另一种更简单的方法是直接用梯度扰动的方案,此时需要对梯度进行适当的clip,以得到sensitivity bound。
Implementing DP
Binary classification.
[15,CM09]首次给出了private logistic regression的实现,输出扰动和目标扰动两种方式,[16,CMS11(12)]扩展到了更通用的ERM算法上。但是需要强凸、目标函数光滑、数据低维,简单的二分类任务。
后来提出的方法,包括针对高维数据[17(JT13), 18(JT14), 19],不需要强凸假设的[20],relax the assumptions on data and objective functions[21,22,23]。这些都是理论的,除了[17,18]给出了实现。
Complex learning tasks.
Machine learning with other DP definitions.
[28] Zonghao Huang, Rui Hu, Yanmin Gong, and Eric ChanTin. DP-ADMM: ADMM-based distributed learning with DP
[35] Bargav Jayaraman, Lingxiao Wang, David Evans, and Quanquan Gu. Distributed learning without distress: Privacy-preserving Empirical Risk Minimization. In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 2018.
[54] Mijung Park, Jimmy Foulds, Kamalika Chaudhuri, and MaxWelling. DP-EM: Differentially private expectation maximization. In Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, 2017.
[39] Jaewoo Lee. Differentially private variance reduced stochastic gradient descent. In International Conference on New Trends in Computing Sciences, 2017.
[23] Joseph Geumlek, Shuang Song, and Kamalika Chaudhuri. Rényi differential privacy mechanisms for posterior sampling. In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 2017.
[6] Brett K Beaulieu-Jones, William Yuan, Samuel G Finlayson, and Zhiwei Steven Wu. Privacy-pre- serving distributed deep learning for clinical data. arXiv:1812.01484, 2018.
[1] Martin Abadi, Andy Chu, Ian Goodfellow, H. Brendan McMahan, Ilya Mironov, Kunal Talwar, and Li Zhang. Deep learning with differential privacy. In ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security, 2016.
[76] Lei Yu, Ling Liu, Calton Pu, Mehmet Emre Gursoy, and Stacey Truex. Differentially private model publishing for deep learning. In IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, 2019.
[53] Nicolas Papernot, Martín Abadi, Úlfar Erlingsson, Ian Goodfellow, and Kunal Talwar. Semi-supervised knowledge transfer for deep learning from private training data. In International Conference on Learning Representations, 2017.
[24] Robin C Geyer, Tassilo Klein, and Moin Nabi. Differen- tially private federated learning: A client level perspec- tive. arXiv:1712.07557, 2017.
[8] Abhishek Bhowmick, John Duchi, Julien Freudiger, Gaurav Kapoor, and Ryan Rogers. Protection against reconstruction and its applications in private federated learning. arXiv:1812.00984, 2018.
[29] Nick Hynes, Raymond Cheng, and Dawn Song. Efficient deep learning on multi-source private data. arXiv:1807.06689, 2018.
Inference Attacks on ML
Membership Inference
目的是为了推断给定的一个记录是否在训练集中。[25]首次提出了这种攻击,黑盒模型。出发点是机器学习模型在其训练数据和初次遇见的数据上的表现往往不同,可据此推断某条数据是否在其训练数据集中。据此想训练一个attack model来对输入进行推断,给出某个输入是否存在与训练集的置信分数。但是由于不知道训练数据集,所以提出了shadow model,用来生成训练集。[26]提出了白盒模型的攻击,可以进入目标模型,且指导模型的training loss的均值,如果输入数据通过计算后,loss小于模型的loss均值,那么就认为它存在于训练集中。
Connection to DP. 直观上看,DP和membership attack是一对矛盾。membership advantage定义为敌手的true and false positive rates的区别,[26]给出了二者的联系:如果一个算法满足$\varepsilon$-DP,那么敌手的advantage is bounded by $e^{\varepsilon}-1$。
做实验来测量敌手可以从模型中推断出多少。membership attack得出的结论仅限于information leakage的下限。DP提供了leakage的上限。结论是implemented privacy protections do not appear to provide sufficient privacy.
不同的变体:naive composition(NC), advanced composition (AC), zero-concentrated differential privacy (zCDP) and Rényi differential privacy (RDP).
Accuracy loss:
\[Accuracy Loss=1-\frac{Accuracy\ of\ Private\ Model}{Accuracy\ of\ Non-Private\ Model}\]Privacy Leakage:
\[TPR-FPR\](本身为正,被预测为正的概率 - 本身为负,被预测为正的概率) TPR = TP /(TP + FN)FPR = FP /(FP + TN)
图1左和右比较,表示batch gradient clipping基本上不能看,所以后边的实验都是用的per-instance gradient clipping。
从图1右可以看出,Naive Composition在$\epsilon\leq 10$时准确率为0.01,是100个分类里的随机猜测,基本上不可用,$\epsilon=1000$时,loss几乎为0。当$\epsilon \geq 100$时,Advanced Composition加入了比NC更多的噪声,因此不应该采用。zCDP和RDP分别在$\epsilon =500$和$\epsilon=50$时,loss接近0,和NC相比是量级的减小。对于相同的privacy budget,这些DP的变体只需要更少的噪声来达到。
图2中的理论上界是$e^{\epsilon}-1$,表示$\epsilon$-DP下的privacy leakage。三个图都表明,inference attacks还有很大的提升空间。从图1(b)和图2中可以看出,RDP在$\epsilon=10$时可以取得和NC在$\epsilon=500$时类似的utility和privacy leakage。
通常使用的$\varepsilon$ values的组合和各种DP的变体,并不能提供很好的utility-privacy trade-offs。What the state-of-the-art inference attacks can infer和DP可以提供的保证之间还存在巨大的差距。
Research is needed to understand the limitations of inference attacks, and eventually to develop solutions that provide desirable, and well understood, utility-privacy trade-offs.
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