大佬博文Deep learning and differential privacy阅读。
这篇博文是大佬Frank McSherry在看了Privacy-Preserving Deep Learning (CCS15)和Deep Models Under the GAN: Information Leakage from Collaborative Deep Learning (CCS17)之后写的。这两篇文章,一篇说自己用DP进行了保护隐私的federated learning,很强大,一篇说以DP的方式来分享模型参数是不行的,不信你看我拿出了训练数据集中的数据。于是大佬觉得,这不矛盾吗:
Well, at least one of the two of them has to be wrong. Just because they can’t both be right doesn’t mean they can’t both be wrong, which to my reading they both are.
Privacy-Preserving Deep Learning
Gradient updates can reveal much of your source data in the clear. Just dropping a few of the updates doesn’t help. Note that the above isn’t a demonstration of an attack, which would be much clearer about whether I am making this up, but it should at least convince you that “releasing gradients, not data” is not especially indirect leakage.
文章中讨论了在每一次update时候添加噪声,当这updates累积起来的时候,噪声可以被抵消掉。但实际上,“this guarantees that you leak at most epsilon differential privacy with each update to a perceptron.”
\[\varepsilon = per-parameter * theta*105,506\]“Standalone”那条线(baseline)表示每个参与者只用了自己的数据,没有sharing data。
The measurements where the “differential privacy” lines cross that horizontal baseline all have privacy guarantees of (using the formula above) 10,550.6 differential privacy. That’s not so great.
更为惨的是,这只是per-epoch的DP cost。。
I don’t think the techniques the authors propose provide “privacy”, in any sense other than that you don’t literally directly reveal your naughty photos to everyone, which might remove some of the social awkwardness. Except that you mostly do, if you use the multilayer perceptron. The “fractions of gradients reported” is probably not a valuable privacy quantification, in that the multilayer perceptron gives each pixel multiple chances to be revealed, and what we probably want is the total number of parameters updated. The “per-parameter differential privacy” guarantee is similarly problematic, in that you still have to multiply by the number of parameters revealed each epoch, and then by the number of epochs (which are not reported).
This sounds a bit grim, so I’m happy to slot in any further illumination the authors would like to provide. It is possible that I’ve misread something, of course. If the “negligible utility loss” comes with either “releasing pixels in the clear” or “10,550.6 differential privacy”, it doesn’t seem like a great trade-off yet.
Deep Models Under the GAN
第二篇CCS17是站在CCS15对立面的,他们说任何collaborative deep learning approach都容易受到他们的攻击。
Unfortunately, we show that any privacy-preserving collaborative deep learning is susceptible to a powerful attack that we devise in this paper.
it would be a bit much to then claim that all of statistics “is fundamentally broken and does not protect the training sets of honest participants”.
其次,作者假设学习方法必须展示正确的class信息,即使只有一个用户如果学习方法没有这样做,作者暗示这意味着学习方法在某种程度上是有缺陷的。 实际上,对于任何学习方法来说,避免过度拟合特定输入,并且只提供有广泛统计支持的类的详细信息,这是非常有意义的。 许多合理的学习方法将不会继续将类的描述与单个训练样本相匹配,这似乎偏离了所提出的攻击。
Experimentally, CCS 2017 shows that CCS 2015 is such an over-fitting learning approach, and ACM CSS generally should learn never to do such a thing ever again.
然后就是针对DP federated learning的,直接引用作者对两篇文章关于DP的说法:
However, CCS 2015 (citation [77]) does not propose using record-level differential privacy. To quote from CCS 2015 (emphasis mine):
Let the total privacy budget for each epoch of DSSGD for each participant i be $\varepsilon$.
Pretty clear. To quote from CCS 2017 (emphasis mine):
For each epoch (iteration) of the collaborative learning process, [CCS 2015] define a total privacy budget $\varepsilon$ for each participant.
两篇文章都同意privacy budget是针对每个participant的,但是CCS17却不断提到”record-level DP”。此外CCS17的实验中$\varepsilon$更大。
To give a sense for 100-differential privacy, imagine you have a 64bit floating point number representing your computed gradient that you would like to release with 100-differential privacy. Here is one way you can do that:
- Generate two independent uniformly random 64 bit floating point numbers.
- If the two random numbers are equal release their common value, otherwise release the true data.
The probability of releasing anything other than the true answer is 1/2^64, and the probability of releasing any specific value (other than the true answer) is 1/2^128. The probability of releasing the true answer is 1 - 1/2^64 + 1/2^128, which is basically one. When we take the natural logarithm of 2^128, the factor by which the probability of any output changes when the true answer is changed, we get \(\varepsilon = \ln(2^{128}) = 128 * ln(2) = 88.722839111673\) This release mechanism has 88.8 differential privacy, and is nonetheless pretty much guaranteed (probability 1 - 1/2^64) to release the “secret” number in the clear.
文章的实验设置中,minist数字识别的部分,实际上就一个adversary和一个honest participant,而且privacy budget还不小。
Frank McSherry认为分布式的梯度下降时最不适合DP的问题:
- 梯度更新时是在本地加的噪声
- 梯度的维度高意味着噪声要按比例增加
- 迭代过程中还有一些未知的参数
My Conclusion