Federated Online Learning to Rank with Evolution Strategies notes

Kharitonov E. Federated Online Learning to Rank with Evolution Strategies[C]//Proceedings of the Twelfth ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining. ACM, 2019: 249-257.

WSDM, CCF B类会议, 数据库方向。


In this work, we consider Federated Online Learning to Rank setup (FOLtR) where on-mobile ranking models are trained in a way that respects the users’ privacy. We require that non-privatized user data, such as queries, results, and their feature representations are never communicated for the purpose of the ranker’s training. We believe this setup is interesting, as it combines unique requirements for the learning algorithm: (a) preserving the user privacy, (b) low communication and computation costs, (c) learning from noisy bandit feedback, and (d) learning with non-continuous ranking quality measures.


提出了满足上述需求的算法FOLtR-ES。其中一部分是privatization procedure,允许它提供$\epsilon$-local DP,即保护客户免受可以访问通信消息的对手的攻击。此过程可应用于任何绝对在线度量,该度量采用有限多个值或可离散化为有限域。

实验是基于点击模拟的方法和公开的数据集MQ2007和MQ2008。和离线的训练进行了对比如线性回归模型和RankingSVM。实验结果表明,FOLtR-ES可以优化排序模型,在optimized online metric, Max Reciprocal Rank方面和baseline性能相似。


由于隐私问题和有限的带宽,移动端的数据最好可以以本地的方式来训练模型。联邦学习(Federated Learning)就适合于这种场景,是一种客户端仅发送足以执行协调优化(的内容)的学习方式[1]。

本文将在线学习的排序问题扩展到了联邦学习的设定,叫做Federated Online Learning to Rank (FOLtR)。具体场景是当移动应用有一个机器学习的排序模型时,我们需要通过用户交互的反馈来训练这个模型,同时又需要non-privatized user data (queries, documents seen and clicked, and feature representations. 小疑问,这不应该是private data嘛。。) 不离开用户的设备。

An example could be a Wikipedia application with its index stored on-device. Whenever the user submits their query to the application, the retrieval and ranking is done locally. Periodically, the application communicates a statistic to the central server and downloads an updated model when it is available.


本文提出了FOLtR-ES算法,其核心是一个0阶优化方法,Evolution Strategies (ES) [3,4]。引入了极小的不依赖于the size of ranker’s model的通信开销并且可以optimize non-continuous quality measures。此外,还为the ranking quality metrics that can take finitely many values提供了$\epsilon$-local DP的保证。

The code for the experiments in this paper is available at https://github.com/facebookresearch/foltr-es.


Online learning to rank

在线学习排序的最初的方法是根据点击的反馈推断document的偏好,利用RankingSVM [5]。接下来的工作集中于假设文档的结构来优化排名列表[6,7],或者是a fixed stochastic model of the user interaction with a result page [8,9,10]。

由于绝对点击反馈受到查询间和用户间差异的影响,因此提出了成对交错评估方法[5,11]。Yue和Joachims [12]提出了一种从成对反馈进行在线学习的算法Dueling Bandit Gradient Descent (DBGD) 。该算法成为多个应用程序和扩展的基础。

现有的online learning to rank都是集中式学习的,ranker的训练方法需要知道用户的查询和点击。本文提出的学习算法没有关于用户与结果列表交互方式和优化质量度量的假设,因此它无缝地解决了结果的相互依赖性,多样性要求,位置偏差等。

最近的集中式在线学习排序算法,主要考虑learn with interleaving/multileaving feedback,比如Multileave Gradient Descent [13]。

It puts the burden of proving that the interleaving methods are applicable and unbiased on the application owner. Indeed, interleaving methods were only validated in the document [5] and image search [20] verticals of large search engines, and validating those methods for complex layouts (e.g. those considered in [31]) might be problematic. Hence, we argue that the ability to directly optimize the absolute measures of ranking quality (e.g. time before the first click [37]) is of a higher practical interest. We leave the adaptation of FOLtR-ES to the interleaving feedback as a potential direction of future work.


Federated and privacy-aware learning

第一个联邦学习算法,Federated Averaging由[1]提出。该算法中,每个on-device模型通过一些SGD步骤更新,接下来在data center被平均,然后每个客户端再下载聚合后的模型。[14] 对联邦学习的通信开销进行了改善。[15] 研究了word-level language models in federated learning setup。后来的工作中,Federated Averaging 和 Federated SGD (essentially, large-batch SGD)和隐私保证一起讨论。


(a) bandit feedback & the need for exploration, and (b) non-continuous optimized measures of quality.

其次,之前的工作需要 trusted curator ε-differential private regime, only providing guarantees against the private data being extracted from the (aggregated) learned models. 因此,它们不能防止能够访问所传送消息的敌手,例如:可以访问中央优化服务器。 相比之下,FOLtR-ES提供客户端级别的$\epsilon$-本地差异隐私,其中非私有化数据永远不会离开客户端的设备。

Federated Online Learning to Rank with Evolution Strategies

Optimization Scenarion

优化场景和[15]中的没有什么不同,用了Federated SGD。假设排序模型在本地应用,在信息检索时可以通过完全在客户端检索或者隐私保护的检索系统来保护用户隐私。



Getting a Gradient Estimate


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